Thursday, December 29, 2011


Pretzel has made appearances on my blog or flickr account in the past, but I thought I'd properly introduce you. This little man came to us a couple years ago when he was rescued by some family members. He was found chained to a stake, in a box, in the desert. We had been looking out for a miniature dachshund (ever since we met mightiest little weenie, Tuba, who belonged to friends) but the price was always just too steep. So we waited...

And then came Pretzel.

He can be horribly insecure around new people. He was extremely frightened by men when we first got him. He shivers a LOT. Sometimes his lip gets stuck on his teeth. He's also started having seizures. In that last photo where it looks like he's winking? It's just a weird tic of his.

And, I love him! He is such an adoring little creature. He gives me hugs on a daily basis (I'll get a photo of this at some point). He loves road trips. He's the perfect lap warmer at only 8 pounds and he's so funny to chase around the house.

He fills in a little gap in my heart.

1 comment:

The Noisy Plume said...

I know what gap he fills and I'm so glad you have him!